The MSc provides the following services to the MSc students:
Information and Communication Technology services: E-mail, online classroom, storage space, use of network printer, use of scanner.
Information services
Secretariat/e-Secretariat services: Support for administrative issues and in MSc student record services.
Academic Advisor (AA): Each MSc student is assigned an AA.
In addition, MSc students can benefit from the following services provided centrally by the University of the Aegean:
Library services: For the Library service, MSc students are referred to the Mytilene Branch of the Institution's Library (, where the collection of scientific literature (journals, books) and other forms of literature (papers, studies, theses, etc.) is available in printed and digital form. The Mytilene branch also has a study room.
Electronic Secretariat.
Food, accommodation and MSc student welfare and other support services: The University provides food, accommodation and care. It operates a counselling centre to ensure emotional and psychological support for members of the University community.
The above services are accompanied by qualified support and administrative personnel, who are regularly trained through seminars held either by the University of the Aegean or by the National Centre for Public Administration. In addition, administrative staff is given the opportunity to move in Erasmus+ countries for the exchange of know-how with other institutions operating in different environments, institutional and administrative cultures.
Finally, it is worth noting that a number of student groups (e.g. Astronomy, Photography, Cinematography, Theatre, Volunteerism, Diving) have been created on the initiative of students from various Departments of the University of the Aegean, as well as other members of the academic community, which constitute nuclei of life and culture both for the University of the Aegean and for the local communities of the University's islands. Also, student portals have been created, which provide useful information and communication opportunities.