Christos-Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos

Message from the Director

In 2019, the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication initiated the Postgraduate Program by Research "Intelligent Computer Systems" that focuses on modern and emerging cutting-edge technologies in the field of Information Technology. It is an ambitious and well-designed curriculum that aims at the proper preparation of scientists oriented towards a research or academic career, equipping them with the appropriate equipment to meet this need for Greek society. This program is suitable for the preparation of students who are interested in starting Doctoral Studies, but also for those who are interested in acquiring professional skills related to research skills such as:

•Organizing and conducting research on Intelligent Information Systems.
•Development of students' academic abilities and skills, in order to study, record, publish and present the results of their research.
•Strengthen communication skills, collaboration and attracting research / development resources.
•Successful integration of students in a research team, with smooth cooperation, initiatives and ultimately autonomy in terms of their research profile.
With these thoughts, I welcome you to the website of the MSc by Research "Intelligent Computer Systems", hoping that your navigation on our pages will be informative and helpful to form a complete picture of our purposes and goals.

The Director of the MSc Program

Christos-Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos



The purpose of the MSc by Research "Intelligent Information Systems" is to fill a significant gap in research training of young scientists by enhancing their ability to study, design, organize and implement research in Intelligent Information Systems. The proposed MSc is expected to have a decisive contribution to the theoretical and practical preparation of future PhD candidates and future IT scientists with a strong research background. To achieve this goal, the subject of student studies includes:

(a) during the first semester, a course providing the necessary skills for a researcher in Intelligent Computing Systems, focusing on research methodologies and specialised Intelligent Systems topics,

(b) in the second and third semester, the selection of a research topic by each student under the supervision of a faculty member with expertise in a specific subject, who will be responsible for teaching and guiding the student in all the necessary stages of research (literature review, critical selection, formulation of a research question, design and implementation of the solution of the problem, evaluation of the results and identification of open issues for future resolution. Translated with (free version)

In the last two semesters, the objective is accompanied by the writing of scientific articles to be submitted to an international conference and a peer-reviewed journal respectively.


The objective of the MSc is the proper preparation of scientists who are oriented towards a research or academic career, equipping them with the appropriate supplies to meet the need of this Greek society. The MSc is suitable for preparing students who are interested in starting Doctoral Studies, but also for those who are interested in acquiring professional skills related to research skills (such as writing research proposals, participating in research consortia and committees, etc.) to require a PhD.

In detail, the objectives of the program are:

  • Providing a theoretical background in the organization and conduct of research in Intelligent Information Systems.
  • Development of students' academic abilities and skills to study, record, publish and present the results of their research.
  • Strengthening communication skills, collaboration and attracting research / development resources.
  • Successful integration of students in a research team, with smooth cooperation, initiatives and ultimately autonomy in terms of their research profile.